Before you arrive
It looks like you may be on your way to Phuket Cleanse!
To help you prepare for your transformative journey with us, we've compiled a comprehensive packing list curated by our co-founder, Melanie Procter.
Dive into this guide to ensure you're fully equipped for an unforgettable experience.
Don’t get stressed if you cannot find some of these items. We will have your covered over here. This is a good list to have even for your home.
Write to us here if you have any queries about this list or any other issue as you prepare for Phuket Cleanse.
How Can I Prepare For My Stay?
We get it, lives are busier than ever so you may not have time to do much preparation for your stay.
We’ve got two suggestions to get you ready for your time with us.
The easiest prep work you can do is to cut down (or out) caffeine, sugar, and alcohol before you get here.
What? Yes!
If you can start weaning yourself off these three, you’ll be less likely to suffer from any detox reactions when you kick off your program with us.
Wait until you notice those energy gains!
If you have a medical condition we advise seeing your doctor before you come away to ensure you’re clear on any program adjustments you may have to adhere to.
Mel’s Suggestions
Please bring your own chargers and adapters.
We don’t have them.
For some people, who have never done a low carb diet, they suffer the effects of adapting to lack of carbs/sugar in the system.
It takes weeks of adaptation for your body to get used to burning fat for fuel and not carbs.
You can purchase some exogenous ketones that will help you with this adaptation.
It will give your brain and body energy, and improve immunity and metabolism.
If you have not been on a ketogenic/low carb diet before, we recommend this so you don’t have to suffer with no energy while here on your detox/fitness holiday.
The other option is to start your ketogenic diet weeks before coming here to prepare the body.
There is lots of information and even apps on the net to help you to get going on a ketogenic diet.
For those that would prefer the exogenous ketones, you can watch this clip below to learn more.
We have practitioners available to support your health issues in many ways.
During your program consultation we can recommend our external practitioners.
We have a fantastic range of therapists on hand from nutritionists, physiotherapists, coaches, and healers at an extra cost ranging from 1,000-7,000 Thai baht per session.
Please note, our corner of Thailand is not credit card friendly so please bring Thai baht cash for any additional therapies (there is an ATM at the 7-11 at the end of our street).
Experience tells us the answers above will cover a lot of your queries, but we’re on hand to answer anything that’s not included here.
Please reach out if you have any further questions.
We cannot wait to introduce you to our corner of the world!
If you are coming for weight loss, the best weight loss caffeinated beverage is yerba matte tea.
Asians do not drink this tea.
It is a South American tea that has become world famous.
This tea is so supportive to weight loss that the active ingredient is now in the injectable drug semaglutide that is sold around the world to help people lose weight and curb appetite.
If you like your morning coffee, green tea or black tea, this could be a good alternative.
It has numerous health effects. Unlike most teas in which you throw the tea bag after use, you want to keep your yerba matte tea bags to reuse them a few times as each hot water extraction pulls out more of the active ingredient.
Yes, I said hot water extraction, not boiling water as you want the water just under boiling for this unusual tea.
We encourage you to start drinking it now to get used to it.
You will especially love drinking it in the traditional South American way in its unique cup and straw. I have put a link below so you can start preparing it that way.
Compression clothes designed for athletes keep your tissues compressed when you are training and improve performance and safety in the workouts.
Compression clothes are also recommended even in the ice bath. When you combine ice and compression on any injury, you get better results.
When you do full body compression in ice, you become superhuman.
Well, it is kind of true.
There are some great eye masks that create total darkness to improve deep sleep.
We provide eye masks for meditations but if you want to bring your own high quality eye mask to meditations and ice bath to enable you to go deeper into the experiences.
Be sure to get one that really cuts the light so you can sleep more deeply at night and go into a deeper state of meditation.
We have ice bath boots (dive booties) and ocean walking shoes everyone shares.
However, again, if you are the type of person who would prefer not to share shoes, or would like your own size, you may want to order your own.
Ice diving booties will keep your feet warm in the ice bath.
Though you may not believe it now, when you depart Phuket Cleanse, you will be a world class ice bather capable of sitting in ice at the most extreme temperatures.
I know you laugh as you read this.You also won’t believe this next statement but here goes.
You will leave Phuket Cleanse as an ice bath addict, looking for a regular fix.
So, these ice bathing boots will become a regular fixture in your wardrobe.
They may function also as ocean walking shoes that will support your feet from getting injured on boat trips or when ocean walking.
We also recommend this for doing ocean floor walking, a very powerful workout to walk in the sea.
These dive booties will be your best friend in the ocean and in the ice bath. You will thank us for recommending this later. Just a note that dive booties are not ocean walking shoes.
Dive booties that are used in cold diving are really what you want. You will be so glad you brought them. We have ice bathing boots for everyone to share.
However, most people enjoy wearing their own shoes that are not shared with everyone.
You can also get your exact size and if you order in advance, you can find one with a good thickness that will keep your feet warm in the ice bath.
Here are some reviews that can be helpful.
The thickest, and tightest boot made for you feet will change your life.
You will be an ice bathing professional with warm, protected feet.
These will be something you will use forever as we will suggest how you can keep doing ice bathing when you depart in ways you can’t even
This is just another review example of a good 6 mm boot that will keep your feet warm.
In a zero degree ice bather, every mm of thickness will wrap around your feet like a warm blanket.
If you are prone to jet lag or have trouble sleeping, please bring some herbal products that will help you sleep.
Sublingual melatonin, herbal blends for sleep, and whatever sleep products that have worked for you in the past may be helpful.
Phuket Cleanse is an active place to be, and you will miss out on many things if you are overly jetlagged.
Please bring sleep support if your time difference is big.
You don’t want to miss out on your first few days because of the time difference.
Melatonin is a good product to start with days before leaving so that you already have a lot of melatonin in the system so you sleep better on the plane and fall asleep more easily on arrival.
We don’t believe melatonin is something for everybody but has a very good benefit with jetlag.
NMN is an anti-aging product that also supports a normalized sleep wake cycle.
It is used for youthening and heightened physical performance and metabolism, however, a side effect is the benefit of normalizing the sleep wake cycle.
Everything I suggest here is just that, a suggestion.
The newest thing I am suggesting people consider is a meditation device that will assist you to go deeper in your meditations when you have some recovery and rest time.
These devices train you to train your brain to go deeper into relaxed and focused states for rest and for work/productivity.
They give you real time feedback to take you into deeper states.
As you go to the meditation classes here, you can monitor your improvement and ability to focus.
This is not for everyone but if learning to switch off and train the brain more deeply is of interest to you, I recommend these devices.
They can assist you to relax and focus deeper in the ice bath, in our red light room, and when you are taking breaks.
What is interesting about the device, they train the brain to create healthier more highly functioning neural pathways in the brain.
You basically rewire your brain.
The fitness classes here help you to rewire your body, and the brain training does the same for the brain.
I will list a few brands that have great reviews and results.
For those who suffer sleep issues or sleep issues when traveling or training hard, 5HTP which is tryptophan is a useful supplement if you blend it with hydrolyzed collagen.
You can pop open a capsule and mix it with your collagen and let it dissolve all day.
Then, take it and hour or two before bed.
This will relax you in the evening and help you sleep deeply and improve mood the next day.
The other benefit of this mixture is if you are doing some of the deep breathwork experiences and emotional detox, you will create a lot of happy chemicals but could experience a bit of a drop the next day.
5HTP helps to replenish those happy, good mood chemicals.
Please bring a notebook to journal and write things down.
You will be glad you did.
We have Muay Thai gloves that everyone can share.
However, many people don’t enjoy sharing other people’s sweaty gloves, especially after a pandemic.
If Muay Thai is something you would enjoy doing while you are here, take a moment to think if you are the type of person who would enjoy having their own Muay Thai gloves.
You can easily find gloves on Amazon. You can have them in one click.
Thailand has something like an Amazon.
Please let me know if this is of interest to you, and I will send you a local address and phone number you can use.
Some people like to utilize glutamine to reduce hunger.
This could be useful if you are doing a calorie restricted diet.
It can be taken at mealtime to cut off your desire to overeat.
Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Glycinate.
This keeps you regular, supports sleep and energy metabolism.
If you get constipated when you are here (Many people do after a long haul, when detoxing or having a change of diet.), double your dose of magnesium and take vitamin C with it and a lot of water, and you should be fine.
People often catch this or that when they are traveling or get constipated, vitamin C and magnesium will prevent and treat both.
Vitamin C is good to manage hormones, energy and prevent getting sick when traveling.
Whenever you travel anywhere it is suggested that you travel with activated charcoal to prevent gastric issues that happen when traveling.
Activated charcoal is also good to take when you are detoxing as it mops up toxins that your liver and kidneys can't detox. It thus prevents detox symptoms.
You may also want to travel with aspirin in case you ever get a detox headache.
Aspirin is the healthiest way to treat a headache.
Pro-Biotics & Pre-Biotics
For digestion, immunity and improving gut health when traveling and getting fit, we highly recommend you look into spore based probiotics and complimentary prebiotic powder that should be sold with them.
The probiotic is the bacteria that supports a healthy gut and the prebiotic fiber is what the bacteria love to eat. If you buy the probiotic and don’t feed it, the bacteria won’t thrive. So, it is best to buy them together.
Nutrition & Wellness
Essential Amino Acids
For those embracing a plant-based regimen, consider bringing good quality Essential Amino Acids to complement your vegan protein powder, ensuring a balanced intake for muscle growth and recovery.
Learn More: Watch this video on the importance of essential amino acids.
High-Quality Whey Protein
Please make sure you get grass fed, organic, undenatured whey, meaning cold processed.
Learn More: You can look at this link to help you choose your high quality whey.
Mosquito Protection
Start taking vitamin B1 two weeks prior to going to a tropical country known for mosquitoes.
If you are the type to really get bitten, there are other things you can do like use mosquito repellent soap, wear clothes that keep mosquitos away and even wristbands. Phuket is a tropical rainforest.
So, bring different items including very light long sleeves and long pants for the times of days mosquitoes really bite.
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For general inquiries about Phuket Cleanse, its programs, packages, availability, or any other details, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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If you're dealing with health issues, aiming to shed some weight, build muscle, delve into mindfulness practices, explore longevity sciences, or seeking personalized program adjustments, we're here to help.
With Stanton, Melanie, and the rest of our team, rest assured we'll promptly get in touch to assist you in arranging an unforgettable Phuket Cleanse experience tailored to your needs.
(+66) 82 424 4976