The Fine Print
Terms & Conditions
All Cleansers should consult your primary physician or a competent clinician for specific advice applicable to your unique concerns.
If you suspect that you may be ill or in need of medical attention, you should seek immediate medical care and receive written clearance by your physician before beginning your participation in this or any other such program that involves intense physical exercise and dietary changes.
It is understood that it is your responsibility to inform instructors of individual classes of any injuries you may have and, further, to monitor your body’s reaction to any of the activities/exercises in which you are engaged and to discontinue if and when it becomes too stressful for you. Only you know how your body is responding and how stressful any given activity is for you.
Any use of programs, advice, or information from Phuket Cleanse, Co., Ltd, RAW FITNESS, Co., Ltd., Mind Body Phuket, Co. Ltd., its staff, agents, or website and/or reliance on its content or information contained therein and/or accessed through the website is solely at your own risk.
Your participation in any of our programs is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you may not commence a program at Phuket Cleanse. Acknowledging that you have read this section will constitute your conclusive, binding acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
We reserve the right to make changes to programs, information, and our website, including, without limitation, its content and these Terms and Conditions, from time to time and at any time in our sole discretion and without obligation or liability to any party.
We generally will not accept pregnant women to participate in our detox programs due to the potential risk to the fetus caused by a rapid release of toxins passing through the circulatory system. Any woman who is pregnant but wishes to stay at the Phuket Cleanse for holiday purposes may do so at her own risk.
It is understood that all programs are to be paid for in full prior to commencement and there are no refunds for incomplete programs. That said, if anyone has to leave early or postpone their trip, we let them use deposit or balance payment on future dates (outside of high season).
I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Phuket Cleanse, its staff, and other affiliated parties harmless from and against any and all bodily injuries, death, claims, actions, demands, liabilities, losses, settlements, costs and fees (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees), arising from or allegedly arising from your use or misuse of information, advice, programs and/or your violation of, or failure to abide by, these Terms and Conditions.
Phuket Cleanse may introduce you to service providers, such services are provided for your convenience only, and you access and rely on them at your own risk.
Any external service provider accessed from or through us is independent from us, and we have no control over and are not responsible for, do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the content, availability, accuracy, reliability, quality, or use of any product or service provided by a third party.
Any transaction you enter into with a third party is solely between you and such third party and we shall therefore have no liability.
Personal Property
Phuket Cleanse is not responsible for the loss or theft of, or damage to, personal property on the Phuket Cleanse Villa premises (including the RAW.FITNESS gym, and Green Clean Eco‐Laundry facilities), whether held in storage or not.
This includes but is not limited to, luggage, electrical items, money, or other property. You agree to take all precautions to avoid loss or theft of, or damage to, personal property.
In the event of such loss, or damage, you agree to hold Phuket Cleanse harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands in respect to such theft, loss or damage, however caused, arising out of or in connection with your stay at Phuket Cleanse.
The rooms are equipped with individual safes and for those that may not have a safe working properly, a safe is available at the Phuket Cleanse office in which customers are welcome to store valuables (e.g., cash, jewelry, passports, etc.) during their stay.
Use common sense. When you leave your room, please make sure it is locked. Do not sleep with your windows or doors open at night. We just cannot do that in this day and age. It is a shame, but it is a fact. Stay safe and let’s not give any criminals any of our belongings.
Disclaimer & Notice
I understand that the cleansing and rejuvenation programs stimulate the body to release held toxins and that I may experience one or more temporary symptoms such as: headache, fatigue, stomach upset, nausea, muscle weakness, light headedness, high energy, euphoria, clarity of the mind and senses, as well as emotional release sometimes involving feelings of sadness or other uncomfortable emotions.
Because Phuket Cleanse is educational in nature, I understand that the facility is not equipped or staffed to attend to the seriously ill. We do not provide medical advice, but sometimes reference previous experiences of others.
For medical advice, you are urged to consult with your physician. Please note that reference to findings of research does not necessarily imply that these findings have been corroborated or replicated by other researchers, some of whom may disagree. We do not make any promises or guarantees with regards to the services or products we offer.
Phuket Cleanse is not a medical center. We are not equipped or staffed to handle urgent medical care needs and, as such, are not in possession of a defibrillator machine or emergency medical equipment.
We are not a rehab center for detoxing from drugs and/or alcohol and are not equipped to provide specialized care for clients who have unique physical, physiological, or emotional needs.
If you are in need of assistance in getting around our property or other specialized care, we require that you bring someone with you to help meet your special needs as we are not staffed to provide such service.
We require that all clients disclose any significant health issues prior to coming to Phuket Cleanse. Anyone at high risk for needing emergency medical care should not come to Phuket Cleanse.
If a client is hospitalized or must see a physician during the cleanse, the client is required to pay any and all medical fees including ambulance and hospital fees.